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Journal/2018 engl

New Data on Minerals. 2018. Volume 52. 160 pages, 166 photos, drawings, and schemes.


The journal contains a lot of new scientific information, including descriptions of new finds of minerals. So, in the southwestern Pamirs, the first rare herzenbergite and uranopolicraz in the myarolite granite pegmatites, and tungstenite-2H in magnesian skarns (Kuhilal), were discovered in Tajikistan for the first time in this type of deposit. For the first time in the alkaline massif Darai-Piez, cadmium minerals - greenokite and otavit - were found. This is probably the first discovery of cadmium minerals in alkaline rocks. New data on the content of Cd in sphalerite was obtained. Hypergenic copper minerals from Chukotka are described, among which spioncopite is the first in Russia. The features of rutile of potassium feldspar-quartz veins of volcanic rocks (Zap. Chukotka) are studied.
The results of an audit of titanium garnets from the collection of the Mineralogical Museum are presented in connection with changes in the nomenclature of this group of minerals. A brief report was made about phosphorus-containing olivine in the lavas of the last Tolbachinsky eruption, olivine of magmatic origin with a record phosphorus content was recorded. The first data of a systematic study of variations in the composition and morphology of cristobalite in the extrusive rocks of the Bezymyanny volcano (Kamchatka) are presented.
At the Tyrnyauz ore field (North Caucasus), the presence of macroscopically indistinguishable rock-forming minerals — wollastonite and ferrobustamite — was established, which requires the development of a methodology to determine the suitability of raw materials. An interesting hypergenic sulfate-arsenate mineralization was discovered and studied there (Sn-Bi-field Small Mukulan). In quartz veins of black siliceous schists, Auminzatau, V. Uzbekistan, vanadium grass-green poisonous was found and described. The results of IR microspectroscopy of the spatial distribution of “amber” defects in diamonds from placers of the northeast of the Siberian Platform are presented. The historical background of two samples of the Museum is revealed: porpecite and print of the seal made by Faberge. The chronology of scientific readings named after academician A.E. Fersman, authors and titles of scientific reports are presented, the time and place of the readings. One of the articles is dedicated to the memory of E.I. Semenov, a major specialist in the mineralogy of alkaline rocks and lithophilic rare metals, an employee of the museum.
This journal is of interest for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, staff of natural history museums, collectors, and rocks aficionados.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: P.Yu. Plechov - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Executive Editor: E.N. Matvienko - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Members of Editorial Board:
I.V. Pekov - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
V.K. Garanin - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
M.I. Novgorodova - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
B.E. Borutsky - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
B.E Spiridonov - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
S.N. Nenasheva - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
M.E. Generalov - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Yu.D. Gricenko - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
L.A. Pautov - Senior Researcher

Editor, Design, Layout
E.V. Kronrod - PhD in Chemistry


Issue 1 Revision articles and brief reports on the study of museum samples

Pdf icon.pngPlechov P.Yu. (Editorial) Changes in the editorial policy of the journal "New data on minerals", p. 1-2

Pdf icon.pngGritsenko Yu.D. Titanium garnets collection of the A.E.Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 3-5

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Электронные приложения к статье
 : Gritsenko2018-1_supp_rus.xlsx

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Shchodibekov M.A. The discovery of herzenbergite in the granite miarol pegmatite of Vez-Dar in the South-Western Pamir (Tajikistan), p. 6-14

Pdf icon.pngShcherbakov V.D., Plechov P.Yu. P- bearing olivine from lava flow of 2012-2013 Tolbachik volcano eruption, p. 15-17

160 high-precision microprobe analyzes of olivine from lava and tephra of volcanic Tolbachik eruption are published in the paper. Hot-state lava and tephra were collected during the eruption. Phosphorus rich zones in olivine were formed during the skeletal growth in lava during flow on the surface. читать далее...
Электронные приложения к статье
 : Sherbakov_Plechov2018-1_supp_eng.xlsx

Pdf icon.pngVlasov E.A., Nikolaev Yu.N., Apletalin A.V., Pustovalov V.Yu. Copper minerals from metamorphogenic veins of the headwaters of the river Ilirneivaem, Chukotka, p. 18-19

Pdf icon.pngGeneralov M.E., Pautov L.A. Second Lieutenant Chernik Porpecite, p. 20-24

When studying the samples of papetzite transferred to the collection of the Mineralogical Museum by the G.P. Chernik in 1909, it was found that in addition to the proper pappelite (palladium gold of 600-700 probes), they contain native palladium and sulphide phases of Pd4S composition. It was also found out that placers, where platinum minerals were found at the end of the XIX century, are located not in Georgia, as indicated in the literature, but in Turkey, near the city of Artvin. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngGeneralov M.E. Faberge and Abraxas, p. 25-29

Pdf icon.pngPekov I.V. In memoream of E.I.Semenov (1927-2017), p. 30-32

Issue 2 Articles and short reports on the study of mineralogical objects

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Shchodibekov M.A., Mirakov M.A., Faiziev A.R., Khvorov P.V. Uranopolycrase (U,Y)(Ti,Nb)2O6 from the miarolic pegmatite Museum in the area of ​​the Kukhilal field (South-Western Pamir, Tajikistan)

Pdf icon.pngIvanova Yu.A., Vlasov E.A. Rutile K-feldspar-quartz veins of headwaters of the river Dvoynaya, Western Chukotka

Pdf icon.pngPavlova T.M. Academician A.E.Fersman scientific readings. History. Chronology.

The chronology of the scientific readings of Academician Fersman is given. The authors of the scientific reports and the topics are presented, as well as the time and place of the readings. In the article 1 table, list of literature from 5 titles. The article contains 1 table, references (5 titles). читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngShchipalkina N.V., Kononov O.V., Pekov I.V., Koshlyakova N.N., Britvin S.N. Wollastonite and ferrobustite of the Tyrnyauz ore field (North Caucasus): chemical composition, relations and mineralogical-technological aspect

Samples previously identified as wollastonite, "ferrowollastonite", "Mn-wollastonite", parawolastonite, bustamite, and ferrobustite from different parts of the Tyrnyauz ore field (Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia) were studied by electron probe microanalysis, infrared spectroscopy, powder and single-crystal radiography. It was found that two rock-forming minerals are presented at this site: wollastonite Ca3Si3O9 and ferrobustite Ca2Ca2FeCa[Si3O9]2, which are macroscopically indistinguishable from each other and can be found in the same mineral assemblages and capable of forming close intergrowths with each other, in which the boundaries between these minerals are always sharp. Wollastonite and ferrobustite can be easily identified by the method of infrared spectroscopy, and also differ in chemical composition. Thus, the FeO and MnO contents in wollastonite and ferrobustamite of the Tyrnyauz field vary in the following limits (wt.%): 0.0-1.2 and 0.1-1.1 (in total - from 0.1 to 2.3) in wollastonite, 7.4 - 10.2 and 1.3 - 3.7 (in the total - from 10.2 to 12.8) in ferrobustamite. Solid solutions between wollastonite and ferrobustamite were not fixed. The prevalence in the skarns of Tyrnyauz ferrobustamite seems to be a serious problem hampering the exploration and production of wollastonite, and makes it necessary to develop a special technique that makes it possible to distinguish conditioned wollastonite raw materials from mineral associations containing ferrobustite and unfit for practical use. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngIvanova D.A., Shcherbakov V.D., Plechov P.Yu., Nekrylov N.A., Davydova V.O., Turova M.A., Stepanov O.V. Cristobalite in extrusive rocks of Bezymianny volcano

We present the first data on the systematic study of compositional and morphological variability of cristobalite in extrusive rocks of Bezymianny volcano (Kamchatka). Andesites and dacites of all seven studied extrusive domes contain cristobalite, which content reaches up to 6 vol.%, and thus may be considered as rock-forming mineral. We distinguish 4 different morphological types of cristobalite – 1) isometric grains surrounded by pores with the characteristic fish-scale cracking; 2) the “prismatic” cristobalite grains in clusters; 3) “pea”-type grains in the matrix glass; 4) “feathery”-type crystals. There were not revealed any clear dependencies between the morphological type of cristobalite, its composition and the composition of host extrusive rocks. Content of minor elements in cristobalite (mainly Al and Na) is up 10 wt.% on an oxide basis. The main mechanism of their isomorphic substitution is Si4+→Al3++(Na+, K+), which can reflect the existence of a solid solution of cristobalite with isostructural to it carnegieite end-member. The entry of Ti (up to 0.27 wt.% of TiO2), Fe (up to 0.43 wt.% of FeO) and Ca (up to 0.15 wt.% of CaO) into the cristobalite structure is described. Cristobalite from extrusive rocks of Bezymianny volcano has the widest range of composition in comparison with all previously published analyses of this mineral. читать далее...

Issue 3

Pdf icon.pngKasatkin A.V., Levitskiy V.V., Nestola F. Supergene minerals of Malyi Mukulan deposit (Tyrnyauz ore field, Northern Caucasus)

An interesting supergene sulfate-arsenate mineralization was discovered by us at the Malyi Mukulan Sn-Bi deposit, Tyrnyauz ore field, Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus. A group of sulfates - bianchite, hexahydrite, gypsum, pickeringite, rozenite, cuprian siderotil, chalcanthite and epsomite, as well as arsenates of erythrite-kottigite series and pharmacosiderite were established and studied by EMPA, SXRD and PXRD. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngGorelikova N.V., Portnov A.M., Taskaev V.I., Rassulov V.A., Chizhova I.A., Karimova O.V., Balashov F.V., Boyeva N.M. Vanadium dravite from the South-East Uzbekistan

V-bearing magnesian tourmaline relate to dravite from South- East Uzbekistan has been studied. This mineral is acicular, the colour is grassy. It is found out at quartz veins with the width up to 10 cm cutting Protorezoic black siliceous schists. Protorozoic schists have a high relation of К/Rb (800) that is typical for tholeitic basalts of oceanic type with a high content of Ti and V. The schists are also enriched in V and U (up to 50 ppm). V2O3 value in tourmaline varies and come to 3%. The negative correlation between V and Al has been established with methods correlation and R-factor analyses that indicates on the substitution Аl3+ by V3+ at the structure of tourmaline. The studied V-bearing tourmalines are characterized by a higher magnesiality (dravite variety), a low content of Fe2+ , Fe3+, Ti4+ and also of Аl3+, Са2+. Evidently, quartz-tourmaline veins are connected with the Hercinian granitoid magmatism attending numerous Au-Ag deposits of the South East Uzbekistan. Appearance of V in the quality a chromophor in metamorphic rocks is an indicator of old oceanic structures at the continents. читать далее...

Issue 4

Pdf icon.pngShiryaev A.A., Titkov S.V. Spatial distribution of “Amber” defects in diamond: results of IR mapping

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Shodibekov M.A., Fayziev A.R., Khvorov P.V., Makhmadsharif S. Occurrence of Tungstenite-2H in magnesian skarns of gem quality spinel deposit Kukhi-Lal (South-Western Pamir, Tajikistan)

Pdf icon.pngKarpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Siidra O.I. On the cadmium mineralization in the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif

Greenockite, CdS (hex.), and otavite, CdCO3, have been found for the first time in the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif (Tadzhikistan). Greenockite (with Zn, ranges 3.3 – 3.8 wt. %) forms grains to 0.4 mm in galena aggregations from an aegirine-quartz-feldspar assemblage, in association with polylithionite, cesium-kupletskite, riebeckite-arfvedsonite series amphibole, turkestanite, and anglesite. Hexagonal cell dimensions are as follows: a = 4.171(2), c = 6.772(1) Å. Otavite occurs on a galena micro-vein contact with granulated quartz, as fine aggregations (~0.5 x 0.5 mm), on which Cd- bearing cerussite has developed (CdO 2.3 wt.%). The chemical composition of otavite is variable (mol. %): 77 – 87 CdCO3, 4 – 19 CaCO3, 4 – 9 PbCO3, 1 – 5 ZnCO3. Cd, and some trace elements were analysed in sphalerite from this massif; Cd ranges there from 0.12 to 3.65 wt. %. Minerals were investigated by microprobe with EDS and WDS, X-ray, and optical microscopy. A reflective spectrum is shown for greenockite. Possible methods of Zn and Cd differentiation are discussed. This may be the first identification of these minerals in alkaline massifs.
There are 5 tables, 7 drawings, and 56 references in the paper.
Keywords: cadmium, greenockite, otavite, cerussite cadmium-bearing, galena, sphalerite cadmium-bearing, Darai-Pioz alkaline massif читать далее...