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Journal/NDM56 2022 eng — различия между версиями

(Issue 3)
(Issue 4)
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Строка 97: Строка 97:
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==== '''Issue 4''' ====
| Авторы = Kravchenko T.A.
| Название = Conditions of Norilsk Cu-Ni ore formation according to study data of the Cu-Fe-S system melts crystallization products, p. 91-97
| Аннотация = Based on the results of the study of the melt crystallization products in the central part of the Cu-Fe-S system, the new data was obtained on the possible formation for the Norilsk copper-nickel ores from the melt 53 melt 50 at.% S.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 25 – 1 at 1100 – 820°C and the pressure drop from 5 GPa. It is shown that the primary crystallization of pyrrhotite Fe1-xS, cubanite CuFe<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub> and chalcopyrite CuFeS<sub>2</sub> causes stratification of the initial melt into nickel: 50 melt 50 at.% S.% S, 0.5 > Ni/Fe ≥ 0.25 and copper-nickel: 50 melt 50 at.% S.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 0.5 – 1 components. From the nickel-rich melt in association with pyrrhotite and cubanite, iron-rich pentlandite (Ni,Fe)<sub>9</sub>S<sub>8</sub> is crystallized. Pentlandite with close contents of iron and nickel, the mooihoekite Cu9Fe9S16 and bornite Cu<sub>5</sub>FeS<sub>4</sub> are crystallized from the melt 50 at.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 0.5, and nickel-rich pentlandite, talnakhite Cu9Fe8S16 and bornite are crystallized from the melt 50 at.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 1. The melt 50 at.% S, 1 > (Cu,Ni)/Fe > 0.5 is isolated from the crystallizing ore body with subsequent crystallization of the chalcopyrite, isocubanite and monosulfide (Fe,Ni)S solid solutions, for the formation of which the exposure is required at the temperature close to the lower temperature of crystallization of the melt. <br>
'''Keywords:''' Cu-Fe-S system, Cu–Ni–F-S melt crystallization, Norilsk Cu-Ni deposits.
| Файл = Kravchenko_1_2022-4_rus.pdf
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| Авторы = Gritsenko Yu.D., Galynina O.V., Shvanskaya L.V., Vigasina M.F.
| Название = Rruffit from the oxidation zone of the arsenide nickel-cobalt deposit of Khovu-Aksy, republic of Tuva, Russia, p. 98-109
| Аннотация = Rruffite (Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu(AsO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>∙2H<sub>2</sub>O) is a rare monoclinic hydrous calcium and copper arsenate from the roselite group. It was found only in two places – in Chile and Spain. On the territory of the Russian Federation rruffite has been established for the first time. It was found in the samples of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences (collections by A.A. Godovikov, 1953) from the zone of oxidation of the Khovu-Aksy nickel-cobalt arsenide deposit, the Republic of Tuva) in association with conichalcite, babanekite, talmessite, pharmacolite, erythrine, and annabergite. The rruffite sample was studied by electron probe analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The chemical composition of the mineral (average values from 25 determinations) in wt.%: СаО 23.31, CuO 14.37, CoO 1.34, NiO 0.95, As<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> 47.95, H<sub>2</sub>O 7.53 (H<sub>2</sub>O content is calculated from stoichiometry). Rruffite from type locality (Maria Catalina mine, Tierra Amarilla, Chile) contains very few isomorphic impurities, while rruffite from the Hovu Aksy deposit contains up to 3.6 wt.% CoO and 3.9 wt.% NiO, rruffite forms a solid solutions series with roselite and its possible nickel analogue. Monoclinic rruffite and triclinic talmessite form thin intergrowths, but not solid solutions series. Strong bands in the Raman spectrum: 170, 297, 338, 428, 452, 486, 804 cm<sup>–1</sup>.<br>
'''Keywords:''' rruffite, roselite group, Cu-Ca-arsenates, X-ray powder diffraction, Khovu-Aksy, Tuva, Raman spectroscopy.
| Файл = Gritsenko_2_2022-4_rus.pdf
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| Авторы = Spiridonov EM., Krivitskaya N.N., Kochetova K.N.
| Название = Pseudomorphs of galena and bismuth after cosalite in the volcanogenic-plutonogenic gold deposit Darasun in Eastern Transbaikalia, p. 110-113
| Аннотация = The late orogenic volcanogenic-plutonogenic Darasun deposit contains abundant Au-Bi mineralization. Сarbonate-quartz-sulfide veins of the Western area of Darasun are surrounded by aureoles of listvenites. Their gold ores contain pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrite, bismuthine, galenobismuthite, nests of native bismuth and ikunolite, whereas the later formations are represented by Pb-Bi sulfosalts, mainly cosalite Pb<sub>2</sub>(Bi, Sb)<sub>2</sub>S<sub>5</sub>, and native gold. In particular sections of the Pyrrhotite and Electrical veins at the mine pits horizons 310 m and 335 m ores are brecciated, moreover, part of pyrrhotite and cubanite is replaced by hematite and magnetite. Within the same horizons, in several Electrical 4 and 5 veins sections we established partial and complete pseudomorphs of galena and native bismuth after brecciated cosalite. Obviously, both are the result of endogenous sulphides oxidation with sulfur removal. The probable reaction of pseudomorphic cosalite replacement is: Pb<sub>2</sub>Bi<sub>2</sub>S<sub>5</sub> + 3 O<sub>2</sub> → 2 PbS + 2Bi +3 SO<sub>2</sub>↑. Apparently, the alternation of mineral formation processes at low and high oxygen fugacity, as well as at high and low sulfide sulfur activity is typical for volcanic-plutonogenic hydrothermal gold deposits.<br>
'''Keywords:''' pseudomorphs of galena and native bismuth after cosalite, endogenous oxidation, volcanogenic-plutonogenic Darasun gold deposit.
| Файл = Spiridonov_3_2022-4_rus.pdf
| Приложения =
[[Journal/NDM56_2022|Russian page (V. 56)]]

Текущая версия на 15:12, 25 мая 2023

New Data on Minerals, Volume 56, 2022


Issue 1 - March 31, 2022
Issue 2 - May 31, 2022
Issue 3 - August 31, 2022
Issue 4 - November 30, 2022

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:
Plechov P.Yu. -D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Members of Editorial Board:
Pekov I.V. - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Garanin V.K. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Borutsky B.E. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy
Spiridonov B.E. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy
Chukanov N.V. - D.Sc. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kamenetsky V.S. - Professor (University of Tasmania)
Nenasheva S.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Matvienko E.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Generalov M.E. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Pautov L.A. - Senior Researcher
Layout Designer
Kronrod E.V. - PhD in Chemistry


Issue 1

Pdf icon.pngGeneralov M.E. The Fate and the Ways of the Junior Scientist Curator. Henry I. Kasperovich’s Materials in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, p. 5-11

The article tells about the fate of Henry Kasperovich, an assistant of V.I. Vernadsky, who worked with him at Moscow University, and then followed him to the Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences.
The analysis of information on the minerals with his authorship in the Museum's collection shows that a significant part of them is connected with the first research of the Radium expedition organized by V.I. Vernadsky, and makes it possible to clarify their localities, including problematic ones related to changes in the political and administrative statuses of territories.
Keywords: Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences, collection, H.I. Kasperovich, V.I. Vernadsky, A.E. Fersman, Radium expedition, Caucasus. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Karpenko V.Yu., Makhmadsharif S. Ge-bearing cassiterite from sublimates of a natural underground fire in the Kukhi-Malik tract in the Ravat area of the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit (Tajikistan), p. 12-23

Ge-bearing cassiterite was found in the sublimates of a natural underground coal fire in the upper reaches of the Kukhi-Malik tract at the Ravat site of the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit (Aininsky district of the Sughd region, Tajikistan). Associated with cassiterite minerals are as follows: Se-bearing greenockite, anglesite, marchaninite (?) TlBi(SO4)2, BiCdS2Cl, Bi2(S,Se)3, Cd2InS3F, Bi3(S,Se)4, In-fluoride. The listed minerals form drop-like aggregates (30–150 µm in diameter), the outer zone of which is composed of small (5–15 µm) pseudocubic cassiterite crystals. Such aggregates most often grow on greenockite crystals. Cassiterite is enriched in germanium (up to 2.3 wt.% GeO2), antimony (up to 4 wt.% Sb2O5), indium (up to 2.5 wt.% In2O3), and is poor in titanium.
Keywords: cassiterite, germanium, greenockite, pseudofumaroles, coal fire, sublimates, Tajikistan, Fan-Yagnob deposit, Kukhi-Malik, Ravat. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngShkursky B.B. The indicator grain misorientations for cumulate olivine ultramafites. Theoretical analysis, p. 24-37

Two types of the indicator misorientations of contacting olivine grains, expected in texturally mature cumulate dunites, are predicted. The theoretical analysis of misorientations of the both types were calculated using the Rodrigues-Frank space. The calculations of numeric parameters of the first type, corresponding to the face-to-face contacts of euhedral crystals used new formulas for compositions involving infinite Rodrigues-Frank vectors. The misorientations of the first type are mapped in the fundamental zone of the Rodrigues-Frank space by straight line segments. The misorientations of the second type associated with edge-to-face crystal contacts, are mapped in the Rodrigues-Frank space by fragments of second-order doubly ruled surfaces.
Keywords: olivine, cumulate rocks, grain misorientations, Rodrigues-Frank space, EBSD. читать далее...

Issue 2

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Karpenko V.Y., Makhmadsharif S., Shodibekov M.A. Brannerite from the Eastern Pamir, p. 39-50

A crystal of brannerite UTi2O6 weighing 44.5 g was found on the right side of the Kukurt River in the Eastern Pamir (Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan). The mineral is metamict. It gives an X-ray diffraction pattern of a mixture of brannerite, rutile and U3O8 after annealing. The chemical composition of brannerite (average over 10 microprobe analyzes) is calculated on O = 6 apfu on the formula (U+40.68U+60.13Y0.07Th0.05Ce0.01Gd0.01Dy0.01Yb0.01Ca0.01)0.98(Ti1.89Fe+30.13)2.02O6. Density (meas.) 5.40(5) g/cm3. In reflected light it is light gray with moderate reflectivity (reflectance spectrum is given). The mineral is isotropic due to its metamict nature. Reflections in the air are red-brown. Microhardness VHN = 674. Raman spectrums of brannerite and its alteration products are given. The substitution products of brannerite are described briefly.
Keywords: brannerite, metamict mineral, uranium, Kukurt, Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan, Eastern Pamir. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngGeneralov M.E. The path of mining engineer Konstantin Yegorov and its reflection in the collection of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, p. 51-58

The article traces the connection of mining engineer Konstantin Fedorovich Egorov biography with his contribution to the Fersman Mineralogical Museum collection. His long and fruitful cooperation with the Museum and collectors gives reason to believe that Museum's collection may include more than 1643 samples for which his authorship was indicated. Behind the richest collection, gathered by him during his work in the Russian Empire and in exile, there are a number of discoveries in mineralogy, geology, paleontology, an eventful and dramatic history of the first half of the XX century.
Keywords: Mineralogical Museum, collection, mining engineer Konstantin Egorov, Urals, Baikal region, Yakutia, Primorye, Manchuria, China, deposits, history. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngPavlova Т.М., Garanin V.K. Historical prerequisites for the development of Museum Affairs in Russia on the example of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 59-70

The article briefly discusses the main stages of the early history of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is noted that in Russia an experience on the searching and mining of ores, colored stones, description of deposits and minerals had started accumulating back in the XV–XVI centuries. Reformer and educator Peter the Great established (1714) the first public science museum Kunstkamera, and the Mineral Cabinet was organized as part of it in 1716. Its collections had been attracted an attention of a numerous visitors. Public interest in the stone was also formed through amateur collecting. With the accumulation of knowledge about minerals, scientific collecting came to the fore, which served as an impetus for the development of Museum Affairs in the field of geological and mineralogical sciences. In the first half of the XVIII century, the collections of the Mineral Cabinet were sufficiently well studied, systematized and it was an independent scientifically organized assemblage, which later formed the basis of the current Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Keywords: mineralogical collection, Kunstkamera, Mineral Cabinet, Мineralogical Мuseum, expedition, mining, Peter the Great, M.V. Lomonosov, A.E. Fersman. читать далее...

Issue 3

Pdf icon.pngSokolova E.L. Minerals and rocks of the Earth’s upper mantle in the collection of the Fersman Mineralogical museum RAS, p. 72-80

Representative collection of upper mantle rocks and minerals has been assembled at the Fersman Mineralogical museum. It counts 339 specimens. The article provides a description of the collection, the tables group data on the mineral composition and quantity of the specimens, their geographical locations and sources of acquisitions. The mantle substance is represented mainly by xenoliths of rocks and xenocrysts of minerals from kimberlites. The collection contains almost all major types of mantle rocks, as well as samples of rare mantle formations. The study of the material is rather uneven. Approximately two thirds of the collection are samples from kimberlites of Yakutia; the material from many other locations, including large deposits, such as, for example, the famous kimberlites of South Africa, is represented by a single or several specimens. Seventy four domestic and foreign researchers and organizations have donated specimens of mantle rocks and minerals to the museum for almost two centuries. Of particular note is the contribution of the famous geologist A.I. Ponomarenko, who donated to the museum a unique collection of mantle rock xenoliths, mined by him on the kimberlite pipes of Yakutia. The museum is interested in a comprehensive study of the already available material by a wide range of researchers and in replenishing the collection with new specimens of mantle rocks and minerals.
Keywords: xenolites of mantle rocks, xenocrysts, peridotites, pyroxenites, eclogites, grospydites, alcremites, exhibition “Minerals of Upper Mantle”. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngKarpenko V.Y., Pautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Mirakov M.A., Siidra O.I. Tapiaite from the Chauvay ore field – the second find in the world, p. 81-89

At the Obdilya Au deposit within the Chauvai ore field (Kyrgyzstan), arsenic mineralization was discovered, which contains tapiaite Ca5Al2(AsO4)4(OH)4·12H2O, previously known only at the Jote Mine (Chile). Mineralization is confined to the carbonate strata of the Tolubai formation (С1–С2) and is represented by orpiment, realgar, vladimirite, mansfeldite, talmessite, high-calcium member of the pharmacoaluminite–pharmacosiderite series, X-ray amorphous K-Ca-Fe-Al-arsenates. Tapiaite forms aggregates of white “spherulites” (100–250 µm) with a silky glance, composed of flattened prismatic crystals with forms {10 }, {101}, and {232}(?). The length of individual crystals is 10–50 µm; twins are common. The mineral is optically biaxial positive. Tapiaite crystals have direct extinction with respect to elongation, np = 1.578(2), ng = 1.609(2), pleochroism is absent. The chemical composition of the central parts and rim zne of “spherulites” somewhat differs in total (microprobe, wt %; center/rim) As2O5 45.42/43.39, Sb2O5 0.06/0.32, SiO2 0.02/0.09, Al2O3 9.82/9.64, Fe2O3 0.19/0.02, CaO 27.17/26.44, SO3 0.13/0.00,total (without H2O) 82.83/79.90; H2O by difference 17.17/20.10. Calculation for 11 atoms (Ca+Al+Fe+As+S) leads to the formulas Ca4.95Al1.97Fe0.02[As4.03S0.02O16](OH)4.17·7.65H2O for the central part of “spherulites”, and Ca4.98Al2.00[As3.99Sb0.02Si0.02O16](OH)4.09·9.74H2O for the rim zone. Possible reasons for the higher totals of analyzes compared to tapiaite from the place of the first description are discussed. An X-ray powder pattern of tapiaite is given for a single crystal (space group P21/n), the unit cell parameters are a = 16.03(1), b = 5.81(2), c = 16.32(2) Å, β = 116.7(2)°, Z = 2. Raman spectra are given both for tapiaite from Obdili and Jote. The origin of tapiaite can be connected with the near-surface discharge of waters enriched in As, as well as with the processes of alteration of primary As-minerals.
Keywords: tapiaite, arsenates, arsenic, Chauvay, Kyrgyzstan. читать далее...

Issue 4

Pdf icon.pngKravchenko T.A. Conditions of Norilsk Cu-Ni ore formation according to study data of the Cu-Fe-S system melts crystallization products, p. 91-97

Based on the results of the study of the melt crystallization products in the central part of the Cu-Fe-S system, the new data was obtained on the possible formation for the Norilsk copper-nickel ores from the melt 53 melt 50 at.% S.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 25 – 1 at 1100 – 820°C and the pressure drop from 5 GPa. It is shown that the primary crystallization of pyrrhotite Fe1-xS, cubanite CuFe2S3 and chalcopyrite CuFeS2 causes stratification of the initial melt into nickel: 50 melt 50 at.% S.% S, 0.5 > Ni/Fe ≥ 0.25 and copper-nickel: 50 melt 50 at.% S.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 0.5 – 1 components. From the nickel-rich melt in association with pyrrhotite and cubanite, iron-rich pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8 is crystallized. Pentlandite with close contents of iron and nickel, the mooihoekite Cu9Fe9S16 and bornite Cu5FeS4 are crystallized from the melt 50 at.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 0.5, and nickel-rich pentlandite, talnakhite Cu9Fe8S16 and bornite are crystallized from the melt 50 at.% S, (Cu,Ni)/Fe = 1. The melt 50 at.% S, 1 > (Cu,Ni)/Fe > 0.5 is isolated from the crystallizing ore body with subsequent crystallization of the chalcopyrite, isocubanite and monosulfide (Fe,Ni)S solid solutions, for the formation of which the exposure is required at the temperature close to the lower temperature of crystallization of the melt.
Keywords: Cu-Fe-S system, Cu–Ni–F-S melt crystallization, Norilsk Cu-Ni deposits. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngGritsenko Yu.D., Galynina O.V., Shvanskaya L.V., Vigasina M.F. Rruffit from the oxidation zone of the arsenide nickel-cobalt deposit of Khovu-Aksy, republic of Tuva, Russia, p. 98-109

Rruffite (Ca2Cu(AsO4)2∙2H2O) is a rare monoclinic hydrous calcium and copper arsenate from the roselite group. It was found only in two places – in Chile and Spain. On the territory of the Russian Federation rruffite has been established for the first time. It was found in the samples of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences (collections by A.A. Godovikov, 1953) from the zone of oxidation of the Khovu-Aksy nickel-cobalt arsenide deposit, the Republic of Tuva) in association with conichalcite, babanekite, talmessite, pharmacolite, erythrine, and annabergite. The rruffite sample was studied by electron probe analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The chemical composition of the mineral (average values from 25 determinations) in wt.%: СаО 23.31, CuO 14.37, CoO 1.34, NiO 0.95, As2O5 47.95, H2O 7.53 (H2O content is calculated from stoichiometry). Rruffite from type locality (Maria Catalina mine, Tierra Amarilla, Chile) contains very few isomorphic impurities, while rruffite from the Hovu Aksy deposit contains up to 3.6 wt.% CoO and 3.9 wt.% NiO, rruffite forms a solid solutions series with roselite and its possible nickel analogue. Monoclinic rruffite and triclinic talmessite form thin intergrowths, but not solid solutions series. Strong bands in the Raman spectrum: 170, 297, 338, 428, 452, 486, 804 cm–1.
Keywords: rruffite, roselite group, Cu-Ca-arsenates, X-ray powder diffraction, Khovu-Aksy, Tuva, Raman spectroscopy. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngSpiridonov EM., Krivitskaya N.N., Kochetova K.N. Pseudomorphs of galena and bismuth after cosalite in the volcanogenic-plutonogenic gold deposit Darasun in Eastern Transbaikalia, p. 110-113

The late orogenic volcanogenic-plutonogenic Darasun deposit contains abundant Au-Bi mineralization. Сarbonate-quartz-sulfide veins of the Western area of Darasun are surrounded by aureoles of listvenites. Their gold ores contain pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrite, bismuthine, galenobismuthite, nests of native bismuth and ikunolite, whereas the later formations are represented by Pb-Bi sulfosalts, mainly cosalite Pb2(Bi, Sb)2S5, and native gold. In particular sections of the Pyrrhotite and Electrical veins at the mine pits horizons 310 m and 335 m ores are brecciated, moreover, part of pyrrhotite and cubanite is replaced by hematite and magnetite. Within the same horizons, in several Electrical 4 and 5 veins sections we established partial and complete pseudomorphs of galena and native bismuth after brecciated cosalite. Obviously, both are the result of endogenous sulphides oxidation with sulfur removal. The probable reaction of pseudomorphic cosalite replacement is: Pb2Bi2S5 + 3 O2 → 2 PbS + 2Bi +3 SO2↑. Apparently, the alternation of mineral formation processes at low and high oxygen fugacity, as well as at high and low sulfide sulfur activity is typical for volcanic-plutonogenic hydrothermal gold deposits.
Keywords: pseudomorphs of galena and native bismuth after cosalite, endogenous oxidation, volcanogenic-plutonogenic Darasun gold deposit. читать далее...

Russian page (V. 56)