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Journal/NDM50 2015 engl

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New Data on Minerals, Volume 501, 2015

New Data on Minerals. Volume 50, 2015, 168 pages, 110 photos, drawings, and schemes.


The journal includes a description of a new find of cochlinite in the Middle Urals, orthite from sulfide ores of the Norilsk ore field, high-alumina pyroxenes from Precambrian anorthosites of the Korosten massif of the Ukrainian shield. A comparative characterization of the platinum mineralization of the Uralian dunite-clinopyroxenite intrusives is given, new data on phosphosilicates of tetravalent uranium, native gold from plutonogenic gold-quartz formation deposits in Central Kazakhstan, mineral composition of the Swan deposit ores and occurrences of the Radostnoye Central Aldan are given. The results of studying the micromorphology and genesis of the main hypergenic minerals of bauxite-bearing lateritic profiles and new phases in Norilsk copper-nickel ores are presented. The section "Mineralogical museums and collections" describes the collection of I.P. Balashev, stored in the Mineralogical Museum. A.E. Fersman, and new arrivals to the museum funds for 2013-2014. "Mineralogical notes" contain an article about false pseudostalactites of malachite and a description of the next exhibition "Amazing in Stone", held at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum in 2015. The magazine is of interest to mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, as well as workers in natural history museums, collectors and stone lovers.
This journal is of interest for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, staff of natural history museums, collectors, and rocks aficionados.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: V.K. Garanin - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Executive Editor: E.A. Borisova - Ph.D.of Geology and Mineralogy
Members of Editorial Board:
M.I. Novgorodova - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
B.E. Borutsky - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
E.I. Semenov - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
S.N. Nenasheva - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
E.N. Matvienko - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
M.E. Generalov - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
E.S. Sorokina - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
L.A. Pautov - Senior Researcher

Publishing group

Photo - M.B. Leybov
Leader of Publishing group - M.B. Leybov
Managing Editor - L.A. Cheshko
Design - D. Ershov
Layout - I.A. Glasov

You can order the current issue or subscribe to the magazine at www.minbook.com or by email minbooks@online.ru


New minerals and their varieties, new finds of rare minerals, mineral paragenesis

Pribavkin S.V., Zamyatin D.A., Lepekha S.V., Gulyaeva T.Ya., Gubin V.A. A New Finding of Cochlinite in the Urals, pp. 5 - 10

The article presents data on the composition and relationships between the minerals of the oxidation zone formed over Bi-Mo-containing quartz veins in the eastern part of the Murzinsky-Aduysky block in the Middle Urals. In the oxidation zone, bismuthite and sedate are common, acanthite, iodargyrite, anglesite, malachite, plumbogummite are less common. In addition to them, we discovered a rare bismuth molybdate - cochlinite Bi2 [MoO6], which forms clusters of olive-shaped plate crystals and zonal-concentric aggregates that are part of pseudomorphs of bismuthin and molybdenite. The presence of cochlinite in the oxidation products is proved by the data of X-ray diffraction and chemical analyzes, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The main lines of cochlinite in the diffractogram are 3.15 (52), 1.653 (16) and 1.917 (10). Unit cell parameters (Å): a = 5.490, b = 16.216 and c = 5.500. According to infrared spectroscopy, lines (cm – 1) are distinguished: 840, 795, 730, and 603, corresponding to vibrations of MoO6 octahedra in the mineral structure. In the Raman scattering spectra, these vibrations correspond to lines (cm – 1): 848 and 784. The average chemical composition of cochlinite crystals (wt.%): Bi2O3–75.41 and MoO3–24.07. It is assumed that the formation of cochlinite occurred in an acidic medium at pH = 5–6 and is caused by high concentrations of Bi and Mo in local areas of the oxidation zone.
Key words: cochlinite, bismuthite, sedate, oxidation zone, Murzinsky Aduysky block, Raman spectroscopy.

Doinikova O.A., Sidorenko G.A., Mokhov A.V., Sivtsov A.V. New Data on Phosphosilicates of Quadrivalent Uranium, pp. 11-19

A rare variety of P-containing coffinite with an idealized formula (U, Ca) [(Si, P) (O, OH) 4], in which P and Ca, along with U and Si, was found in the ores of the paleodalley uranium deposit Dalmatovskoye, Russia play the role of mineral-forming elements. The secondary urol are performed by Fe and S, which can be isomorphically included in (U, Ca, Fe) [(Si, P, S) (O, OH) 4]. The composition of micron crystals of P-containing coffinite was studied by analytical electron microscopy. The list of already known minerals of tetravalent uranium is supplemented by a new variety - phosphosilicate U4 +. The studied mineral phase, presumably, may be a new mineral, although the micron size of crystals and their aggregates does not currently allow the necessary complex of studies. A crystallochemical analysis of the hypothetical transformations of crystalline structures from U4 + coffinite silicate to Ca U4 + -phosphate ningioite leads to the conclusion about the possible existence of a number of U4 + minerals with mixed anionic and, as a consequence, mixed cationic composition - phosphosilicates and silicophosphates of tetravalent uranium with crystalline calcium.
Key words: electron microscopy, coffinitis, ningoite, structural type, isomorphism.

Gritsenko Yu.D., Spiridonov E.M., Kulikova I.M., Nabelkin O.A., Marushchenko L.I. Orthite in Norilsk sulfide ores, pp. 20 - 28

Orthit- (Ce) in Norilsk sulfide ores is represented by two generations. Orthit-I composes complex and oscillation-zonal, sectorial-zonal crystals in a halo of hfluid exposure at the contact of sulfide ores containing rich pneumolithic mineralization of Pt and Pd with gabbro dolerites. Apatite is usually abundant in such halos. In the composition of the orthite-I Ce> La> Nd >> Pr, the content of the orthite minal from the center of the crystals to the periphery gradually decreases from 80 to 54%, the epidote minum - from 20% to 13%, the clinocytosis min increases from traces to 33%. The source of lanthanides for orthite-I was probably the process of replacing early pneumolithic chlorapatite with 1.5–2.5 wt.% LREE2O3 with later pneumolitic fluorapatite with 0.5–1 wt.% LREE2O3. Pneumatolithic orthit-I contains epigenetic metasomatic growths and perforation of chlorite, with which they associate quartz, corrensite, hydrogarnet, as well as bornite, which replaces chalcopyrite of magmatogenic sulfide ores, and Godlevskite, which replaces pentlandite in them. Epigenetic low-temperature hydrothermal mineralization arose during the processes of low-grade metamorphism in the conditions of the prenite-pumpellite facies. This mineralization includes orthite-II, usually composed of grooves, veins, and rims of fouling on orthite-I.
The discharge of orthitis II is non-zonal. Orthit II is relatively poor in lanthanides and iron, enriched in water. The source of lanthanides for metamorphogenic-hydrothermal orthite-II was probably the substitution process of chlorapatite and fluorapatite with metamorphogenic-hydrothermal hydroxylapatite containing traces of lanthanides.
Key words: orthite (Ce) pneumolithic, orthite (Ce) metamorphogenically hydrothermal, allanite (Ce), EBSD analysis, post-ore low-grade metamorphism.

Stepanov S.Yu. Comparative characteristics of the platinum mineralization of the Svetloborsk, Veresoborsky and Nizhny Tagil dunite-clinopyroxenite intrusives (Middle Urals, Russia), pp. 29 - 37

The article presents data on the minerals of the elements of the platinum group of the dunite-clinopyroxenite-gabbro complexes of the Middle Urals. Fe-Pt minerals and various inclusions in them, represented by native osmium, as well as Os and Ru sulfides of the Laurit Erlikmanite series and Rh and Ir of the Cachinite-Bowit series, are described. Most of the platinum minerals were extracted from chromite, occurring both in the already known chromite-platinum ore zones within the Nizhny Tagil intrusion, and in the newly identified zones in the dunites of the Svetloborsk and Veresoborsky intrusions. A number of differences have been established between platinum mineralization of intrusives, in the structure of which coarse-grained dunites take part, from platinum mineralization of intrusives with a core composed mainly of medium- and fine-grained dunites. An analysis of the alluvial association of platinum minerals is carried out.
Key words: clinopyroxenite dunite intrusions of the gabbro formation, Middle Urals, chromite platinum ore zones, platinum group minerals, isoferroplatinum, ferruginous platinum.

Dobrovolskaya M.G., Razin M.V., Prokofiev V.Yu. New data on the mineral composition of the ores of the Swan gold ore deposit and the Radostnoe ore occurrence (Central Aldan, Russia), pp. 38 - 49

The Lebednoye deposit and the Radostnoye ore occurrence, located on the Precambrian Aldan shield of the Siberian platform, describe rare ore minerals studied using modern analytical methods: native gold, electrum, native bismuth, tetradimite, aikinite, altaite, lillianite, bursaite, bismuth-bearing fused. New data are presented on the spatio-temporal relationships of mineral paragenesis, stages of mineralization and distribution of gold in deposits formed in various geological conditions.
Key words: Swan deposit, Radostnoye ore occurrence, native gold, native bismuth, tetradimite, aikinite, lillianite, bursaite, bismuth-containing fumed ores, paragenesis.

Slukin A.D., Bortnikov N.S., Zhukhlistov A.P., Mokhov A.V., Boeva N.M., Zhegallo E.A., Zaitseva L.V. Micromorphology and genetic relationships of the main hypergenic minerals of bauxite-bearing lateritic profiles (according to the results of electron microscopy studies), pp. 50-61

The article presents the results of a systematic study under an electron microscope of the crystallomorphology of hypergene minerals of the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic bauxite-bearing weathering crusts of Siberia, India, Guinea and Brazil. The entire genetic series of the main rock-forming minerals of lateritic profiles was traced from maternal aluminosilicates to the final weathering products, including allophan, montmorillonite, halloysite, kaolinite, gibbsite, Nordstrandite and successive transitions between them. In the Paleozoic bauxites of the Russian platform, the boehmite morphology is described, in the metamorphosed Eocene bauxites of India, the boehmite and diaspora are described, and in the late Proterozoic emery of Mongolia, corundum. The morphology of the products of the interaction of inert matter and biota is demonstrated: plants, burrowing organisms, bacteria and biofilms, presented in the form of perfect crystals of gibbsite and hematite. Published materials are fundamental for understanding the processes of lateritization and hypergenic mineral formation.
Key words: laterite, allophan, montmorillonite, halloysite, kaolinite, gibbsite, Nordstrandite, boehmite, diaspora, corundum.

Sukhanov M.K. High-alumina pyroxenes from Precambrian anorthosites of the Korosten massif of the Ukrainian shield, pp. 62-68

High alumina pyroxenes with plagioclase lamellas were found in massive anorthosites of the Korosten massif of the Ukrainian shield. Pyroxenes were found in xenoliths of the earliest anorthosite series of the Fedorov pluton, which, in turn, are found in the rocks of the later main anorotite series. The alumina content in pyroxenes is from 4.79 to 7.03%, which corresponds to the alumina content in similar, rather rare, high-alumina pyroxene megacrysts in massive Precambrian anorthosites. Massive type anorthosites, formed exclusively in the Proterozoic, are important for establishing the conditions of magma formation at the early stages of the Earth's crust evolution. Deep crystallization of high alumina pyroxenes is assumed before the initial anorthosite magma was contaminated with crustal material.
Key words: northositis, Precambrian, pyroxene, Korosten massif.

Spiridonov E.M. New data on the mineralogy of deposits of plutonogenic gold-quartz formation in the north of Central Kazakhstan. II., Pp. 69-83

Native gold from deposits of various facies depths, mercury gold, mackinavite, antimony, reactive aurostybit, chalcostite and myargyrite, and regenerated gold are described. For the first time in the world, nanostructured characteristics have been obtained — the sizes of nanocrystallites and the internal stresses in them of natural hypogenic native gold for an entire ore province. Significant stability of the nanostructural characteristics of gold within individual large deposits has been established. It was established that the nanostructural characteristics of gold do not depend on its composition, but are a function of the conditions of formation; for plutonogenic deposits - primarily facies of their depth. It is shown that the physicochemical conditions for the formation of nuggets and small gold deposits are identical, since the composition, microstructural and nanostructural characteristics of the native gold of both are identical. Are described hypergenic tellurides and native gold. Nanostructural characteristics indicate that native supergene gold in weathering crusts and placers is probably not endogenous, but newly formed, redeposited, hydrogenated. 36 original chemical analyzes of gold and mercury gold are given.
Key words: gold, mercury gold, aurostybit, regenerated gold, anostructural characteristics of gold, gold nuggets.

Crystal chemistry, minerals as prototypes of new materials, physical and chemical properties of minerals

Kravchenko T.A., Nenasheva S.N. New phases in Cu-Ni ores of Norilsk deposits, pp. 84-89

In the study of ores of Norilsk magmatic Cu-Ni deposits in which the main ore-forming minerals are chalcopyrite CuFeS2, pentlandite (Ni, Fe) 9S8, cubanite CuFe2S3 and pyrrhotite Fe1-xS, two new phases were crystallized for the first time, crystallizing along the grain boundary of chalcopyrite plandite and pFland2 and Ni, Fe) 9S8 and almost not differing from chalcopyrite in optical properties. The compositions of the new phases, called conditionally nickel chalcopyrite (Ni-cp-1 and Ni-cp-2), correspond to the composition of chalcopyrite, in which part of the copper is replaced by nickel (Cu, Ni) FeS2. Composition in (wt.%): Ni-cp-1 - Cu 14.96, Ni 19.77, Fe 30.38, Co 0.31, S 34.24; Ni-cp-2 - Cu 12.12, Ni 18.44, Fe 33.52, Co 0.30, S 34.58. Formulas: (Cu0.35Ni0.57) 0.92 (Fe1.10Co0.01) 1.11S1.97 and (Cu0.57Ni0.47) 1.04 (Fe1.00Co0.01) 1.01S1.96. It was shown that Ni-cp-1 with the ratio (Cu, Ni) / (Fe, Co) = 0.83 is an intermediate phase between chalcopyrite and iron enriched pentlandite, and Ni-cp-2 with the ratio (Cu, Ni) / (Fe, Co) = 1.03 - between chalcopyrite and nickel enriched pentlandite. A comparison of the compositions of crystallization products of Cu-Fe-S melts corresponding to the compositions of ores of Norilsk deposits with the compositions of Norilsk pentlandite indicates the simultaneous crystallization of chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite from a Cu-Ni-Fe-S melt. It is concluded that the Norilsk Cu-Ni ores crystallize at elevated pressure.
Key words: chalcopyrite, pentlandite, crystallization, melt Cu Fe S, melt Cu Fe Ni S.

Mineralogical museums and collections

Mokhova N.A. The collection of Ivan Petrovich Balashev at the Mineralogical Museum. A.E. Fersman of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 90-101

Ivan Petrovich Balashev (1842–1919) is a statesman and politician, Ober Jägermeister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, vice director of the Society for the Promotion of Arts and an employee of the Main Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society. The largest landowner, owner of mining enterprises, co-founder of Sormovo, a collector. The Balashev collection was purchased with the active assistance of Alexander Evgenievich Fersman by the Academy of Sciences for our museum after the death of Ivan Petrovich in 1919. The collection has about 700 samples. The catalog of the collection of I.P. Balasheva, compiled according to the Gustav Rosa system. You can see copyright numbers on many samples; several labels have also been preserved.
Key words: Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman, mineral, collection, I.P. Balashev.

Belakovsky D.I., Moiseev M.M. Overview of new arrivals at the Mineralogical Museum. A.E. Fersman RAS for 2013-2014, pp. 102-121

In the collection of the main fund of the Mineralogical Museum. A.E. Fersman RAS in 2013–2014 1102 exhibits were received (samples of minerals, rocks, meteorites, tektites, stone products, etc.). The systematic collection was replenished with 763 exhibits represented by 518 mineral species, including 225 previously absent from the museum collection, of which 76 are typical samples (holotypes, cotypes, or parts thereof). Of the new mineral species that arrived, 32 were discovered with the participation of museum staff. The geography of revenues includes 56 countries of the world, there are also extraterrestrial objects. The collection of deposits received 84 samples, the collection of the formation and transformation of minerals (OP) –157, the collection of crystals –67, the collection of ornamental and precious stones (MPC) –15, and the collection of meteorites and impactites –16. More than 82% of the revenues Gifts from 148 private individuals and 4 organizations. The museum's own collections amounted to more than 7.5%. A close (7.2%) number of exhibits was received as a result of the exchange. Acquisitions amounted to less than 3%. Approximately the same is represented by other types of revenue. A review of new arrivals by mineral species, geography, types of arrivals and personalities is given. The list of mineral species received at the museum is given.
Key words: new arrivals, Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, collection, mineral, meteorite, donors.

Mineralogical notes

Sletov V.A. Malachite: false pseudostalactites and “bubble gazmites”, pp. 117-122

False pseudostalactites are a group of stalactite-like mineral aggregates of various genesis resembling pseudostalactites in appearance. On the example of malachite, natural and synthesized, a new type of mineral aggregates with a gravitational texture is considered. Tubular and drop-shaped hollow forms of malachite are formed along the liquid-gas interface along the contour of gas bubbles and have peculiar structural and texture features. It has been proposed to call such aggregates, in natural samples, erroneously classified as stalactites or pseudostalactites, as “bubble gazmites”.
Key words: ontogeny of minerals, gravitational textures, malachite, pseudostalactite, gazmite

Sokolova E.L., Sveshnikova O.L., Matvienko E.N., Evseev A.A. 47th exhibition “Amazing in stone”, pp. 123-128

The article is dedicated to the next, 47th exhibition of the Society of Stone Lovers at the Moscow Society of Nature Testers (MOIP) "Amazing in Stone", which was organized at the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS. The most significant exhibits, samples of minerals from various locations of the world and stone-cutting products are described. The role of collectors in the replenishment of the museum’s funds is reflected.
Key words:exhibition “Amazing in stone”, Society of stone lovers at the Moscow society of nature testers, Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman


Borutsky B.E. Essays on fundamental and genetic mineralogy: 7. The evolution of ideas about the genesis of the Khibiny apatite-nepheline deposits and the metasomatic hypothesis of their formation, pp. 129-167

The evolution of ideas about the genesis of the Khibiny apatite-nepheline deposits is considered taking into account specific data on their geology and changing concepts about the structure of the Khibiny massif, its geological history, the composition of its constituent rocks and the processes and conditions of their formation. Using the results of detailed mineralogical studies as mineralogical indicators of petrogenesis and ore genesis allows us to join S.M. Kurbatov's hypothesis about the metasomatic formation of apatite of the Khibiny deposits, with refinement, detailing and addition of new data.
Key words: apatite, nepheline, Khibiny apatite, nepheline deposits, genetic hypotheses, nepheline syenites, urtite meltigite, magmatism, post-magmatic transformations, fenitization