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Journal/NDM49 2014 eng

Версия от 01:52, 27 декабря 2017; Kronrod (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «thumb|350px|right|New Data on Minerals, vol.49, 2014 New Data on Minerals. 2014. Volume 49. 154 pages, 105 photos, drawings, and sch…»)
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New Data on Minerals, vol.49, 2014

New Data on Minerals. 2014. Volume 49. 154 pages, 105 photos, drawings, and schemes.
Edited by V.K. Garanin, Professor, Doctor in Science.
Published by the FersmanMineralogicalMuseum, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Аннотация номера

This volume contains description of emmerichite, a new lamprophyllite group mineral from the Eifel volcanic region in Germany, nanocrystals of native molybdenum, iron, and titanium found from impact glasses of lunar regolith, and Si-rich zeolite yugawaralite discovered fromthe Fersman outcrop at the Oshurkovskoe apatite deposit in Buryatia, Russia. The new data for betalomonosovite from the Khibiny massif and allanite (orthite) from Verkhoturye in the Middle Urals are given. Mineralogy of plutonogenic gold-quartz ores in the Northern Kazakhstan is discussed in detail. The results of studying structures of veatchite polytypes and related pentaborates are given; the crystallization products of melts in the Cu-Fe-S system with admixture of Pt, Pd, and Sn are described.
The section Mineralogical Museums and Collections reports newexhibits in theOre-PetrographyMuseumat the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; exhibition Bauxites in the FersmanMineralogialMuseum; and mineralogical collection of V.I. Stepanov stored in thismuseum. The paper in the section Persons is devoted to the 90th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Stepanov. Here, biography of D.A.. Golitsyn, Russian diplomat and collector is given. The journal publishes two brief notes devoted to the130th anniversary of the birth of A.E. Fersman: addition to biobibliography of this outstanding scientist andmineral fersmanite named in his honor. This volume is completed by the article aboutmineral aggregates fromthe Prometheus Cave near Tsqaltubo,Western Georgia.
This journal is of interest for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, staff of natural history museums, collectors, and amateurs of stones.

Editorial board
  • Editor in Chief: Viktor K. Garanin, Doctor in Science, Professor
  • Executive Editor: Elena A. Borisova, Ph.D.
  • доктор геол.-минерал. наук, профессор М.И. Новгородова,
  • доктор геол.-минерал. наук Б.Е. Боруцкий,
  • доктор геол.dминерал. наук Е.И. Семенов,
  • канд. геол.dминерал. наук С.Н. Ненашева,
  • канд. геол.dминерал. наук Е.Н. Матвиенко,
  • канд. геол.dминерал. наук М.Б. Чистякова,
  • канд. геол.-минерал. наук М.Е. Генералов,
  • Л.А. Паутов
Издательская группа
  • Фото М.Б. Лейбов
  • Руководитель издательской группы М.Б. Лейбов
  • Выпускающий редактор Л.А. Чешко
  • Дизайн Д. Ершов
  • Верстка И.А. Глазов

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{{NDM_article | Авторы = Чуканов Н.В., Расцветаева Р.К