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Journal/NDM46 2011 eng — различия между версиями

Строка 108: Строка 108:
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| Авторы = Karpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Bekenova G.K.
| Название = Mannardite from vanadium-bearing schists of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, p. 25 - 33
Karpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Bekenova G.K.
| Аннотация = Mannardite Ba(H<sub>2</sub>O)(Ti<sub>6</sub>V<sub>2</sub>)O<sub>16</sub> is found in carbonaceous-siliceous schists of the Karatau Ridge (areas
Mannardite from vanadium-bearing schists of Kazakhstan and Central Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Balacauskandyk and Kurumsak), Kazakhstan, and in the Kara-Chagyr and Kara-Tangi, Southern Kyrgyzstan. At
Kara-Tangi, it is present as rare grains 10 micron or less in size in assemblages with quarts, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
sphalerite, fluorapatite, nickelalumite, and kyrgyzstanite. At Kara-Chagyr, mannardite occurs as small grains
under 10 micron in size in quartz veinlets with pyrite, Ce-phosphate, Ba-V-bearing muscovite, nickelalumite, and
ankinovichite. In the Balacauskandyk and Kurumsak areas, it forms grains up to 50 micron and aggregates up to
100 micron and larger in size being present in quartz veinlets with Ba-V-bearing muscovite, chernykhite
(Kurumsak), V-bearing rutile, Nd, La, and Y phosphates, barite, and hematite. Mannardite from Balasauskandyk
is studied in most detail. The mineral has black colour, deep brown in thin scales, and metallic luster. Micro-hardness
measurements (from 5 repeated tests) are averaged at 628 kg/mm<sup>2</sup>
. Density is determined at 4.34(3) g/cm<sup>3</sup>,
by measurement and 4.40 g/cm<sup>3</sup> by calculation. Mannardite is anisotropic in reflected light, showing dark-gray
color. Unit cell parameters are: а = 14.37(1), c = 5.922(6)Å, V = 1223(2)Å3. Intensive X-ray powder diffraction
peaks are as follows: (d, Å; I; hkl): 3.590(4)(400); 3.211(10)(420); 2.844(3)(112); 2.476(7)(312); 2.276(4)(620);
2.227(5)(332); 1.892(5)(352); 1.690(4)(660); 1.592(5)(732). Chemical composition (average by 19 microprobe analyses,
wt.%): BaO 20.58; TiO<sub>2</sub> 58.10; V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 18.07; Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 0.40; H<sub>2</sub>O(calc.) 1.98; Total 99.13. Empirical formula: Ba<sub>1.10</sub>(Ti<sub>5.94</sub>V<sup>+3</sup><sub>1.97</sub> Cr<sub>0.04</sub>)O<sub>16</sub>·0.90H<sub>2</sub>O. Mannardite from Kara-Tangi contains up to 2.4 wt.% of Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. Along with micas and sulvanite, mannardite is one of early concentrators of vanadium in these rocks. The majority of mannardite is
associated with netted quartz veins, which belong to the type of alpine veins. This article discusses the mechanism
of formation of these veins during the regional metamorphism of sediments.
| Файл = NDM_2011_46_Karpenko_eng.pdf
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Nenasheva S.N., Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Y.
Nenasheva S.N., Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Y.
The variety of fahlores and the epigenetic minerals from the Lebedinoe Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
The variety of fahlores and the epigenetic minerals from the Lebedinoe Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Версия 02:29, 2 января 2018

New Data on Minerals, vol.46, 2011

New Data on Minerals. 2011. Volume 46. 168 pages, 138 photos, drawings and schemes. Publication of Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, FersmanMineralogicalMuseum RAS.


This issue includes the articles about new mineral species found from rocks of the Dara-i-Pioz alkaline massif, Tajikistan: byzantievite, Ba, Ca, REE, Ti, and Nb silico-phospho-borate with complex structure and orlovite, titanium analogue of polylithionite, which is a new member of mica group. Rare minerals, rooseveltite and preisingerite from the Oranzhevoye ore f ield, Verkhne-Kalganinsky massif, Magadan region, Russia, mannardite from carbonaceous-siliceous schists, South Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan, and palladoarsenide and mayakite from sulfide of ores of Norilsk field are described. The new data of fahlores and secondary minerals at the Labedinoe deposit, Central Aldan, Li mineralization from the Glubostrovskoye granitic pegmatite, South Urals, and mineralogy of wood tin at the Dzhalinda deposit, Khingan-Oloi tin district are given. The published and novel data of uranium oxides and hydroxides are reviewed. The experimental study of crystallization products of chalcopyrite solid solution was carried out.
In section “Mineralogical museums and collections”, stone-cutting articles of the Peterhof lapidary factory in the collection of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences are described. The other two articles are devoted to the history of first catalogues of the museum collections and the attribution of marble specimens of Florentine marble mosaic and ruin marble involved in the first Mineral catalogue by M.V. Lomonosov. The exhibition “Amazing stone” held in 2011 in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum and the new acquisitions to the museum 2009–2010 are also reported in this section. An article about Yu.L. Orlov, talented mineralogist, the head of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum from 1976 to 1980, is placed in section “Persons”.
A section “Mineralogical notes” briefly informs about the new data of the process of formation of skeletal crystals of calcite from carst cavities, reports bilibinskite from the cementation zone of gold-telluride deposits (Aginskoe, Kamchatka and Pionerskoe, Syan Mountains), and the minerals from metakimberlites of the Udachnaya-Vostochnaya Pipe, Northern Yakutia.
This journal is interest for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, workers of natural history museums, collectors, and amateurs of stone.

Editorial Board
  • Editor in Chief Victor K. Garanin, Doctor in Science, Professor
  • Executive Editor Elena A. Borisova, Ph.D.
  • Editorial Board Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor,
  • Eugeny I. Semenov, Doctor in Science,
  • Svetlana N. Nenasheva, Ph.D.,
  • Elena N. Matvienko, Ph.D.,
  • Marianna B. Chistyakova, Ph.D.,
  • Mikhail E. Generalov, Ph.D.
Publishing group
  • Photo Michael B. Leybov
  • Leader of Publishing group Michael B. Leybov
  • Managing Editor Ludmila A. Cheshko
  • Art Director Nikolay O. Parlashkevich
  • Editor Andrey L. Cheshko
  • Design and Layout Ivan A. Glazov
  • Translators Maria S. Alferova, Il'ya A. Anisimov, Ivan A. Baksheev, Mark Fed’kun
  • Valerii V. Gerasimovskii, Mikhail Povarennykh
  • Editors (English Style) Patricia Gray, Frank C. Hawthorne, Peter Modreski

Authorized for printing by Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS
Text,photo,drawings andschemes, InstitutionofRussianAcademyof Sciences, Fersman Mineralogical MuseumRAS,2013
Design BRITAN Ltd, 2011

Published by Fersman Mineralogical Museum, BRITAN Ltd Russian Academy of Sciences Box 71 Moscow 117556 Bld. 18/2 Leninsky ProspektMoscow 119071 Russia Phone/fax +7(495) 629G48G12 Phone: +7(495) 952-00-67; fax +7(495) 952-48-50 e-mail: minbooks@inbox.ru e-mail: mineral@fmm.ru www.minbook.com www.fmm.ru


New Minerals and Their Varieties, New Finds of Rare Minerals, Mineral Paragenesis

Pdf icon.pngPautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Sokolova E.V., Hawthorne F., Karpenko V.Yu. Byzantievite, Ba5(Ca,REE,Y)22(Ti,Nb)18(SiO4)4[(PO4),(SiO4)]4(BO3)9O21[(OH),F]43(H2O)1.5, a new mineral, p. 5 - 12

A new silico-phosphate of Ba, Ca, REE, Ti, and Nb found in the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif, Tajikistan, has been named byzantievite because of its complex chemical composition and structure, reminiscent of the complex, but well-organized structure of the Byzantine Empire. The new mineral was discovered on a rock composed of microcline, quartz, aegirine and ferrileakeite; accessory minerals are: calcybeborosilite-(Y), pyrophanite, stillwellite(Ce), danburite, thorite and pyrochlore. The new mineral occurs as tabular grains up to 0.5 x 1.8 mm in size and aggregates of these grains up to 2.5 mm in size. Byzantievite is brown with a pale-yellow streak. Luster is vitreous, slightly greasy on fracture surfaces. Cleavage is not observable; fracture is conchoidal. The Mohs’ hardness is 4.5–5. The mean (10 measurements) microhardness VHN is 486 kg/mm2. The measured density is 4.10(3) g/cm3, calculated density is 4.15 g/cm3. Byzantievite is optically negative, uniaxial, ω = 1.940, ε = 1.860 ± 0.005. The new mineral is pleochroic from light brown along ε to very pale brown along ω; absorption is ε >> ω. The symmetry is hexagonal, space group R3, a = 9.128(5); c = 102.1(1) Å; V = 7363 (15) Å3, Z = 3. The crystal structure was solved to R1 = 13.14%. The strong reflections in the X-ray powder – diffraction pattern are (d, Å; I; hkl): 4.02(2)(1 2 12); 3.95(2)(222); 3.112(10)(1 1 24; 1 2 24); 2.982(4)(321; 231); 2.908(2)(1 1 27; 138; 128); 2.885(2)(3 2 10; 2 3 10); 2.632(2)(030); 2.127(2)(0 0 48). The chemical composition is as follows (electron microprobe, average value and range of content of 60 point analyses; B2O3 was determined by SIMS; H2O on the basis of structural data; wt.%): SiO2 4.73(3.15–5.84), Nb2O5 10.97 (10.35–12.82), P2O5 3.83(2.64–4.88), TiO2 15.21(13.84–16.56), ThO2 1.48(1.48–1.88), UO2 0.55(0.29–0.35), La2O3 4.01(3.27–4.41), Ce2O3 9.19(6.76–9.73), Nd2O3 3.35(3.42–4.42), Pr2O3 1.02(0.17–1.77), Sm2O3 0.71 (0.58–1.23), Dy2O3 1.25(1.05–1.30), Gd2O3 0.95(0.68–1.49), Y2O3 7.39(5.21–9.00), B2O3 5.09(4.38–6.12), FeO 0.49(0.48–0.73), BaO 13.30(12.76–14.91), CaO 8.01(5.41–10.31), SrO 1.95(1.08–2.17), Na2O 0.16 (0.00–0.22), H2O 6.00, F 1.80(1.30–2.08), O=F (0.76), total is 100.68. The empirical formula, calculated on the basis of 124.5 anions for the grain used for the structure analysis is: Ba5.05[(Ca8.99Sr0.96Fe2+0.42Na0.10)∑10.47(Ce3.46La1.54Nd1.20Pr0.30Sm0.26Dy0.41Gd0.32Th0.39U4+0.17)∑8.03Y3.53](Ti12.31Nb5.30)∑17.61(SiO4)4.65(PO4)3.12 (BO3)8.89O22.16(OH)38.21F4.89(H2O)1.5. The simplified formula is Ba5(Ca,REE,Y)22(Ti,Nb)18 (SiO4)4[(PO4),(SiO4)]4 (BO3)9O21[(OH),F]43(H2O)1.5. The compatibility index 0.003 (from calculated density) and -0.009 (from measured density). The type material was deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngAgakhanov A.A., Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Yu., Bekenova G.K., Uvarova Y.A. Orlovite, KLi2TiSi4O11F, a new mineral of the mica group, p. 13 - 19

Orlovite is a new mineral of the mica group, the titanium analogue of polylithionite. It was discovered in highly quartz rocks in association with pectolite, baratovite, faizievite, aegirine, polylithionite, leucosphenite, fluorite and other minerals in a moraine of the Darai-Pioz glacier (Tajikistan). The mineral is colourless with a glassy to pearly luster. It occurs in flaky aggregates up to 2 cm in size. Cleavage is perfect along (001). Mohs hardness is 2–3. Density (measured) Dm = 2.91(2) g/cm3, density (calculated) Dc = 2.914 g/cm3. The mineral is optically negative, biaxial, np = 1.600, nm = 1.620, ng = 1.625, all ± 0.002, 2Vm = 52(2)°, 2Vc = 52.6°. Orlovite is monoclinic, С2, a = 5.199(3)Å; b = 9.068(7)Å; c = 10.070(4)Å; a = 90°, b = 99.35 (2)°, g = 90°, V = 468.4(4)Å3 , Z = 2. The strongest X-ray lines [(d, Å), (I, %), (hkl)]: 9.96 (40) (001), 4.48 (67) (002), 3.87 (40) (111), 3.33 (100) (121), 2.860 (35) (113), 2.600 (28) (130), 2.570 (30) (131), 2.400 (31) (014), 1.507 (20) (206). IR – spectra (the strongest absorption bands) are as follows: 3600, 1130, 1087, 985, 961, 878, 776, 721, 669, 613, 567, 530, 512, 458, 405 cm1. Chemical composition (microprobe, Li2O, Rb2O – ICP OES, H2O – SIMS, wt.%): SiO2 – 58.31, TiO2 – 18.05, Nb2O5 – 0.50, Al2O3 – 0.22, FeO – 0.40, MnO – 0.03, K2O – 11.13, Cs2O – 0.24, Li2O – 7.25, Rb2O – 0.69, H2O – 0.21, F – 4.35, O=F2 – 1.83, total – 99.55. The empirical formula of orlovite is (K0.97Rb0.03Cs0.01)1.01Li2.00(Ti0.93Nb0.02Fe0.02Al0.02)0.99Si4O11.04(F0.94OH0.10)1.04. Simplified formula KLi2TiSi4O10(ОF). The mineral is named to honor the well-known Russian mineralogist, doctor of mineralogy Yury Leonidivich Orlov (1926–1980), Director (1976–1980) of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical museum, RAS, specialist in the mineralogy of diamonds and gem stones, and author of more than 50 works including the classical monographs “Mineralogy of Diamond” and “Morphology of Diamond”. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngKrinov D.I., Azarova Y.V., Struzhkov S.F., Natalenko M.V., Radchenko Y.I. On the Discovery of Rooseveltite, Preisingerite, Troegerite, and Zeunerite In Bi-As-Cu-U-mineralization from the Oranzhevoye Ore Field, Verkhne-Kalganinsky Massif, Magadan Region, Russia, p. 20 - 24

New data on bismuth, arsenic, uranium and copper minerals (rooseveltite, preisingerite, zeunerite, and tröegerite) obtained with the help of an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope equipped with a Link detector are represented in the article. The minerals were established within Bi-As-Cu-U-mineralization at the Oranzhevoye ore field of the Verkhne-Kalganinsky massif in sulfide-quartz, arsenopyrite-quartz and sulfide-quartz-chlorite veinlets that intersect andesites. The following secondary minerals: scorodite, rooseveltite and preisingerite replace arsenopyrite, bismuthinite, tetradymite, and native bismuth. Uranium minerals – zeunerite and tröegerite – also associate with these minerals. Rooseveltite and preisingerite are established in Russia for the first time. Character of occurrence of rooseveltite and preisingerite indicates that they formed during low-temperature metasomatic (hydrothermal) processes. The established association – arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalkopyrite, and minerals of bismuth (bismuthinite and native bismuth, rooseveltite and preisingerite), tellurium (tetradymite), tin (stannite), gold and silver (tellurides, akanthite, native silver) – allowed to attribute this mineralization to the goldpolysulfide-quartz formation. читать далее...

Pdf icon.pngKarpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Agakhanov A.A., Bekenova G.K. Mannardite from vanadium-bearing schists of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, p. 25 - 33

Mannardite Ba(H2O)(Ti6V2)O16 is found in carbonaceous-siliceous schists of the Karatau Ridge (areas Balacauskandyk and Kurumsak), Kazakhstan, and in the Kara-Chagyr and Kara-Tangi, Southern Kyrgyzstan. At Kara-Tangi, it is present as rare grains 10 micron or less in size in assemblages with quarts, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, fluorapatite, nickelalumite, and kyrgyzstanite. At Kara-Chagyr, mannardite occurs as small grains under 10 micron in size in quartz veinlets with pyrite, Ce-phosphate, Ba-V-bearing muscovite, nickelalumite, and ankinovichite. In the Balacauskandyk and Kurumsak areas, it forms grains up to 50 micron and aggregates up to 100 micron and larger in size being present in quartz veinlets with Ba-V-bearing muscovite, chernykhite (Kurumsak), V-bearing rutile, Nd, La, and Y phosphates, barite, and hematite. Mannardite from Balasauskandyk is studied in most detail. The mineral has black colour, deep brown in thin scales, and metallic luster. Micro-hardness measurements (from 5 repeated tests) are averaged at 628 kg/mm2 . Density is determined at 4.34(3) g/cm3, by measurement and 4.40 g/cm3 by calculation. Mannardite is anisotropic in reflected light, showing dark-gray color. Unit cell parameters are: а = 14.37(1), c = 5.922(6)Å, V = 1223(2)Å3. Intensive X-ray powder diffraction peaks are as follows: (d, Å; I; hkl): 3.590(4)(400); 3.211(10)(420); 2.844(3)(112); 2.476(7)(312); 2.276(4)(620); 2.227(5)(332); 1.892(5)(352); 1.690(4)(660); 1.592(5)(732). Chemical composition (average by 19 microprobe analyses, wt.%): BaO 20.58; TiO2 58.10; V2O3 18.07; Cr2O3 0.40; H2O(calc.) 1.98; Total 99.13. Empirical formula: Ba1.10(Ti5.94V+31.97 Cr0.04)O16·0.90H2O. Mannardite from Kara-Tangi contains up to 2.4 wt.% of Cr2O3. Along with micas and sulvanite, mannardite is one of early concentrators of vanadium in these rocks. The majority of mannardite is associated with netted quartz veins, which belong to the type of alpine veins. This article discusses the mechanism of formation of these veins during the regional metamorphism of sediments. читать далее...


Nenasheva S.N., Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Y. The variety of fahlores and the epigenetic minerals from the Lebedinoe Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Spiridonov E.M., Korotayeva N.N., Kulikova I.M., Mashkina A.A., Zhukov N.N. Palladoarsenide Pd2As – a Product of Mayakite PdNiAs Destruction in Norilsk Sulfide Ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Petrochenkov D.A.,Chistyakova N.I. Mineralogical features of wood tin from the Dzhalinda deposit, Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Popova V.I., Kolisnichenko S.V., Muftakhov V.A. Mineralogy of the Glubostrovskoye occurrence of masutomilite on the Southern Urals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Chernikov A.A. Simple uranium oxides, hydroxides U4+ + U6+, simple and complex uranyl hydroxides in ores . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71